The book was officially presented at the 26/05/2013, during the spring test for technical degrees BUTF and TC Phoenix.

Authors of the book are the Secretary General and the President of the organization – Trifonov and M. B. Atanasov. Called by the authors “Taekwon-do Chang Hon – The Way of common sense”, it contains 170 color pages A5. The pictures of the techniques are with children practicing Taekwondo in clubs BUTF. The book is a modern training manual from white to black belt suitable for practitioners and instructors.

This work is the result of twenty years of practice and experience of the authors in the world of Taekwon-do and meetings with some of the brightest names and pioneers in martial arts. This is the logical outcome of years of efforts and synthesis of information from the two authors, and the result of their international training and systematic participation in international forums. The book provides answers to many questions and fills a number of gaps in the printed media on the topic TKD in Bulgaria. Structured in an innovative format, this is the first book after a long absence a similar literature in the book market in Bulgaria.


The book was received with great interest and the authors put autographs on the homepage.

Edition is dedicated to the second “Advanced Taekwon-Do International” seminar organized in Sofia, Bulgaria on 15 and 16 June 2013. The book includes a special page where GM Lim will give autographs.

Part of the book is available HERE.

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