The first copies of the new book “Advanced Taekwon-do – The Modern Martial Artwere printed.

The book was created by a team of Advanced Taekwon-do Europe ATEU. It is the result of the common efforts of two masters of Taekwon-do with over 30 years of experience in martial arts. The author is B. Atanasov, technical consultant and editor is M. Iliev. The book is shaped as a guide for practitioners Advanced Taekwon-do. In its first edition it is aimed at beginners with colored belts. It is available in Bulgarian for practitioners of Advanced Taekwon-do Bulgaria.

This is the first book about Advanced Taekwon-do in the world, which was personally confirmed by the creator of the style GM Lim.

The book contains information about the origins of martial arts, the leading Korean styles, specifically the Taekwon-do and the “Do” philosophy. Precise definitions of commonly used terms by instructors are given – for example: “Modern martial art”. Advanced Taekwon-do is defined as modern martial art, its characteristics and advantages. Featured is style creator GM James Lim. The functions, activities and innovations in the operations of the organization developing Advanced Taekwon-do in Europe are described.

The handbook details specific technical details and theoretical answers to frequently asked questions from the theory and practice in Taekwon-do. A precise and specific answer to the question “Why is philosophy Do not a religion?”. Detailed are the practical and theoretical requirements for covering technical grades from 9 gup to 1 gup.

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For the following year, an extended edition of the book is prepared with additional information about colored and black belts (up to III dan).

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