Advanced Taekwon-Do Europe ATEU offers a solution to compensate Taekwon-Do instructors who have many years of experience, but are lagging in technical degrees (Dan). They are allowed to test for the next degree at the moment they are ready. Shortening the waiting period of a higher technical degree is anContinue Reading

The technical grade exams at Taekwon-do are routine events in clubs. The practice is to take one two or three exams per year, which are pre-planned in the organization’s calendar. This enables the practitioners in the group to prepare together for the upcoming exam. In the preparation process, some practitionersContinue Reading

From 14.03.2020, Advanced Taekwon-do Europe launches another innovation – an online technical degree test. An opportunity for promotion is available to anyone wishing to be technically promoted to Gup or Dan in Advanced Taekwon-do. They need to submit an application (see attached template) and send videos and photos with theContinue Reading

On 29 March 2015, a black belt examination was held in the club. There appeared 8 candidates, TK Phoenix graduates, who presented themselves worthy, covered the technical requirements for 1st Dan and earned their place in the black belt guild. Testing instructors were Sa Bou Nim M. Trifonov, Sa BumContinue Reading