Dear Taekwon-Do Masters, Instructors, students, friends and fans, Bulgarian Taekwon-Do Federation / BUTF / and Advanced Taekwon-Do Europe / ATEU / is pleased to invite you to the 2nd Open ATI- Advanced Taekwon-Do International seminar in Bulgaria that will take place the 15 & 16 of June 2013 in Sofia-Bulgaria. The seminar will be led byContinue Reading

From 17 to 26 August in Aheloy, Bulgaria held open BUTF-ATI summer training camp . It was attended by 41 trainees from Fenix, Bankya and Euroatlas clubs. Leading instructors were Sabum Nim B. Atanasov 6 Dan, Sabum Nim M. Trifonov 4 Dan and Bo Sabum Nim  E. Kostadinova 3 Dan.Continue Reading

There was the annual meeting of the ATEU board. The meeting was held on July 14, 2012 in Sofia, Bulgaria. During the meeting were discussed way for the development of the organization and a report for 2011.Continue Reading

  Let the magic of the holy Christmas night into your home and bring health, peace and grace! Happy New Year with wishes for success in anything we can do and the fulfillment of everything that dream!Continue Reading