From 17 to 26 August in Aheloy, Bulgaria held open BUTF-ATI summer training camp . It was attended by 41 trainees from Fenix, Bankya and Euroatlas clubs. Leading instructors were Sabum Nim B. Atanasov 6 Dan, Sabum Nim M. Trifonov 4 Dan and Bo Sabum Nim  E. Kostadinova 3 Dan.Continue Reading

Successfully passed the Open seminar on “Self-defense”, led by Master Ivan Tzachev, VII Dan. The seminar was attended by practitioners of all ages. Master Tzachev showed self-defense techniques against unarmed opponent, and against an opponent armed with a knife and stick. The seminar turned into a calm atmosphere, Master TzachevContinue Reading

  ATN -ATI Open TaeKwon-Do seminar  on Saturday 11. June kids (6 -10 years) was held at Lunheim School in Tromsø Norway – 11.00 – 13.00. More then 60 kids from different clubs and nation join the semminar. Some learned new sparring techniques, another apters and another just met newContinue Reading