Development of Taekwon-do as a sport is a fact. In sports the goal is to win the better, but it must be determined objectively. In many sports are introduced electronic systems objectively reporting the results without the involvement of subjective human factor.


In Olympic style Taekwondo sparring competitors use equipment with sensors reporting scored points. This is a huge step forward for sparring competitors, but for pattern competitors things are still subjective. With the advancement of technology opens up the possibility to objectively evaluate execution of patterns.


The 3D interactive guide created by FGMR contain Taekwon-do patterns in digital format. They are “digitized” through technology “motion capture”. This technology is used for biomechanical studies, creating movies and computer games. Data are obtained from real Taekwon-do masters performing movements that are recorded in real time, then edited and optimized.


In this way was created a realistic 3D image of FGMR doing the patterns. This information could be used as a basis for future system to objectively evaluate the execution of patterns. Performers need to be equipped with sensors for “motion capture” and their trajectory can be compared with information from the database for the pattern. This will be done in real time and will be able to monitor and evaluate the necessary parameters:

  • trajectory1Technical content.
  • Power.
  • Balance.
  • Breathing – required additional sensor – microphone.
  • Sine wave.

Will be monitored for different faults affecting the final result. The results will be ready when the performance ended. This will shorten the duration of the tournament.

For this all you need is suitably located sensors and laptop program for motion capturing and evaluation.


Must be entered coefficients of difficulty / complexity / for individual patterns corrective final result. For example, perfectly executed Chon-Ji must be evaluated with fewer points compared to well executed Juche or Moon-Moo. With coefficients of difficulty can be assessed objectively the level of the competitors even if they play just one different pattern. Will be able to objectively compare the performance of competitors with different technical degrees.

Can be revolutionize the conduct of the event – each competitor performs alone one desired pattern and additionally one or more / depending on the level of the tournament / random patterns. The results are stored and then perform the final classification.


Development of systems for evaluation is not an easy task, but the first step is made and the result is positive. In today’s technical level is only a matter of time to get to a working model of such a system.

The question is how such a system will be adopted by international organizations developing Taekwon-Do that to a certain extent are conservative because they put a lot of resources in the training of judges.

The great advantage of such system will be the unification of Taekwon-do at technical level, because today are observed many small differences in the implementation of patterns by representatives of various Taekwon-do organizations.

This is a real chance Taekwon-do to remain traditional, but to continue to develop as a modern martial art in the 21st century.

Boris Atanasov

Original article in Bulgarian

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