The instructor from the Advanced Taekwon-Do Club Euroatlas Tomy Gizdov was promoted to the Taekkyon Master V Dan by the Kyulyun Taekyun Association. Tomy Gizdov thoroughly studied the overall system and methodology of the ancient Korean martial art Tae Kion under the guidance of Master Metodi Kolchev, who is theContinue Reading

On 30.06.2024, an exam for technical degrees in Korean kickboxing (Kun Gek Do) was held in the sports hall of TC “Euroatlas”. The Technical Committee was composed of Senior Master Boris Atanasov (VIII dan) – Chairman of Advanced Taekwon-do Europe ATEU and Master Mario Iliev (VII dan) – Chairman ofContinue Reading

On June 1st and 2nd, the “International self-defense seminar 2024” was held in the hall of TC “Viking” with leading master Mario Iliev (VII dan) – a long-time teacher of “Police self-defense” at the Academy of the Ministry of Interior. The seminar was at the invitation and with the kindContinue Reading